Working Group of Neuropathology of the Belgian Society of Pathology

updated 7 June 2024

See the webpage of the WGNBSP for full details


Mission and objectives

  • to enhance the knowledge and good practice of neuropathology
  • to encourage interaction between pathologists with a shared subspeciality interest
  • to stimulate scientific research
  • to collaborate with other societies and study groups with similar interest
  • to organize teaching sessions and symposia
  • to propose guidelines for improving diagnostic accuracy, the appropriate use of ancillary techniques and new tests and the standardization of reporting
  • to make consensus statements about any neuropathology related issues

Presiden: Dietmar Thal
Vice-president: Laetitia Lebrun
Representative to Euro-CNS: Martin Lammens, Deputy Anne Sieben

Number of members
~18 members (including 4 assistants and 3 associated members)

Main focus of the members
Neuropathology (full time), Neuropathology (part time), Pathology with some aspects of neuropathology, Neurology with some aspects of neuropathology

3x per year

Status of Neuropathology
Neuropathology is a subspecialty of Pathology. There is only one fulltime neuropathologist in Belgium.

Neuropathology training
There is no formal neuropathology training in Belgium.

New developments
Co-organizing with the Dutch Society of Neuropathology and the Luxembourg colleagues the next European Congress of Neuropathology in Maastricht, the Netherlands (11-14 June 2025).