Constitution of the European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies, hereafter referred to as Euro-CNS.
Formally established November 18th 1994
The members of Euro-CNS shall be European Neuropathologists, or Neuropathologists practising in European Countries, of the European Community and European Free Trade Association, with an interest in establishing and maintaining harmonisation of the practice and training in Neuropathology throughout Europe. Euro-CNS will promote high standards of practice through systems of audit and accreditation. Euro-CNS will encourage collaboration between European Neuropathologists and movement of Neuropathologists between the member states of Europe at both senior and junior level. Euro-CNS will promote interest in the discipline and the exchange of scientific information between members through its official journal and the organisation of regular meetings.
Article 1. NAME
i) To seek to improve the quality of care of patients with Neurological disease through establishment of high standards of Neuropathological practice.
ii) To describe in terms of duration, content, the patterns of work, nature of training institutions and qualifications of those who train and to establish minimal requirements in Neuropathology.
iii) To establish a system of recognition of training in the speciality of Neuropathology in association with national bodies.
iv) To encourage tighter bonds between European national associations and to represent the interests of the discipline of Neuropathology at the international level.
v) To encourage European collaborative research in Neuropathology.
There shall be Ordinary Members, Honorary Members and Sponsoring Members
i) Ordinary Members shall consist of:
A. Those who possess training and experience in the field of Neuropathology as described in statute 2ii.
B. Those in training who fulfil the requirements of statute 2ii.
Ordinary Membership will be attained through the appropriate membership category of a NationaI Society. Such members will be referred to as ‘ collective members’. Their membership dues, as set by the Council, will be paid through their National Society.
Ordinary Membership can also be attained by those living outside Europe – these will be ‘individual members’ and pay individual dues as set by the Council.
ii) Honorary Members
The Euro-CNS Council may elect to Honorary Membership individuals, nominated by member societies, who have reached retirement or equivalent status and who have made an outstanding contribution to the Neurological Sciences. These honorary members shall be exempted from paying dues. Honorary members may not vote or hold office.
iv) Sponsoring Members
A sponsoring member shall be designated “Sponsoring Member of Euro-CNS”. Sponsoring membership may be extended to any corporation, partnership, foundation, society, or other organization that contributes to Euro-CNS annually a sum determined by the Council. Individuals may also become sponsoring members. Sponsoring membership is authorized by the Council and shall be reviewed and recognized annually in at least one publication of Euro-CNS.
4.1 Structure of the Council
i) The COUNCIL shall be composed of two representatives nominated by each subscribing member society or association.
ii) Representatives will usually serve for a period of four years and may be re-elected for one further term of office.
4.2 Officers and Structure of the Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee is composed of the following Officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Editor-in-Chief. To be eligible, the candidate must be a member of the Council. The Council shall elect the Vice-President by ballot from its membership.The President, in consultation with the Editor, shall be responsible for the appointment or reappointment of the Editor with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee and the Council. The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee and the Council, will select one nominee for Secretary-General and one nominee for Treasurer, to be ratified by the Council.
The President and Vice-President shall be elected to serve for a period of two years. They shall not normally hold the same office for more than two years consecutively. The Vice-President shall normally accede to the Presidency at the end of his/her term of office. As a principle Euro-CNS wil seek to ensure equitable representation of national societies among the officers. The Secretary shall serve for a period of four years and may be re-elected for one further term of office. The Treasurer shall serve for a period of four years and may be re-elected for one further term of office. The Editor-in-Chief shall serve for a period of four years and may be elected for an additional term of two years. The Council and its Sub-Committees may co-opt expert members at any time.
4.3 Interim Vacancies.
Interim vacancies in any position may be appointed by the Officers, and such individuals shall serve until the next official meeting of the Council.
Article 5. MEETINGS of the Council
i) The Council shall transact the business of Euro-CNS and shall meet at least once in each calendar year. The President shall normally be the Chairman of the meeting. The Vice-President may deputise in his absence.
ii) An agenda will be proposed by the Secretary, having consulted the members of the Council.
iii) The agenda will be communicated to the members of the Council in advance of the meeting.
iv) A record of the meeting will be sent to the members of the Council within six weeks of the conclusion of the meeting.
v) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor will hold interim meetings when necessary. These will be convened by the Secretary.
vi) The Council may establish Sub-Committees as required to examine any matters relevant to Euro-CNS and may co-opt non-Council members for this purpose.
Article 6. VOTING
6.1 Ballots
Ballots will be held at Council meetings when necessary. There shall be one vote per member society. A motion will be carried by simple majority provided at least 50% of member societies are represented. Observers may not vote. There will be no proxy voting.
6.2 Amendments to the Constitution and/or the Bylaws
The councilors must receive written notice of any motion for change in the Constitution of Euro-CNS at least 3 months prior to the next Council meeting. The representative may vote in person, in writing or by proxy. The motion will be carried if two-thirds of the representatives present vote in favour. Observers may not vote.
Regular scientific meetings and congresses shall be held at such place and time as determined by the Council. A congress held at least every 4th year will be called the “European Congress of Neuropathology” with a sequential numbering system. National Societies wishing to host a future congress shall submit a written invitation to the President of Euro-CNS at least 4 years prior to the proposed congress date. During the course of a congress the Council shall meet to determine the time and place of the next congress and their decision shall be announced before the close of the congress.
Euro-CNS shall organize educational courses in Neuropathology for junior members in training and for those in other medical specialities who have an interest in the discipline.
Article 8. JOURNAL
Clinical Neuropathology is the official Journal of Euro-CNS as of 1 January 2006. The Publisher and owner of the Journal is Dustri Verlag. The Editor-in-Chief represents Euro-CNS in planning and executing further editorial and promotional strategies. The Editor-in-Chief is in charge of the journal content and of the Editorial and Advisory Boards.
Article 9. FUNDING
Euro-CNS will be supported by subscriptions of national societies, the amount payable by each society being proportional to the number of eligible members of that society.