Turkish Society of Neuropathology
The Turkish Neuropathology Working Group (TURNORPAG), a section of the Turkish Society of Pathology, was accepted as an associated member society of Euro-CNS at its council meeting in London on January 7, 2009.About the Turkish Neuropathology Working GroupThe Group operates under the umbrella of the Federation of Turkish Pathology Societies (http://turkpath.org.tr). It’s purpose is to promote the continuing education in neuropathology and to exchange and share information among professionals involved in the fields of autopsy, surgical, and medical neuropathology.Officers (as of April 2013):
President: Dr. Büge Öz
Vice-President: Dr Tarik Tihan
Secretary: Dr. Süheyla Bozkurt
Working fields/objectives:
- to derive epidemiologic and clinical trials in the field of neuropathology.
- -to organize regional and national meetings as a part of continuing medical education in the field of neuropathology.
- to publish manuals, guidelines, and books in the field of neuropathology.
- to standardize commonly used neuropathology protocols in service, neuropathology reports and translation of neuropathology terminology.
- to present scientific studies in national and international meetings or on electronic media.
to communicate and coordinate with boards of international communities, i.e., Euro-CNS, CAP.Contact: noropat_moderator(at)yahoo.com