Who can join Euro-CNS?
Membership of Euro-CNS is open to National Societies of Neuropathology in the European Community. If a European national or regional Society joins Euro-CNS, all its individual members will automatically become collective members of Euro-CNS.
National Societies of future member countries of the European Community are also welcome to participate in Euro-CNS as associated societies.
Membership is also possible for individuals outside Europe. Please see the information below.
The fee is €30 per member per year. Fees are collected by the National Societies. It includes free online access to Clinical Neuropathology.
Since 2018, members of national or regional societies of neuropathology affiliated with Euro-CNS, have free access to the online Journal.
If you are a member and do not have access, please contact your National/ Regional Society of Neuropathology for the codes.
Outside Europe
Neuropathologists (or those with an interest in the field) who cannot become a member of a European national society, or who are employed outside Europe, may apply for corresponding membership. Please send your request and your curriculum vitae to the Euro-CNS Executive Office. The Membership Committee (2 delegates from the Executive Committee) will judge your application.
The annual individual membership fee in 2024 is €120 and covers both Euro-CNS membership and online access to the Euro-CNS Journal ‘Clinical Neuropathology‘. The fee is €159 if you would like to receive the hard copy issues of Clinical Neuropathology
Discount for emerging countries
For individuals in emerging countries who are not a member of a European Society, we offer a reduced fee of €84 that includes the Euro-CNS member fee and online access to Clinical Neuropathology. If, in addition to online access, you wish to receive a hard copy of the Journal by post, the fee is €120/year. The journals are sent by regular post and, depending on the destination, they may experience issues with the delivery.
To determine eligibility for these reduced fees, we use the World Bank Classifications of low and middle-income countries.
Individual Benefits
- Reduced registration fees at Euro-CNS courses and meetings, and other selected educational events organized or supported by Euro-CNS. Discounts are up to €150 per event.
- Eligibility for special travel grants
- Active participation in Society programs, committees, task forces and educational activities
- E-mail messages with news on neuropathology, unique member services and upcoming Euro-CNS courses and congresses
- Automatic membership of FENS as Euro-CNS is affiliated with FENS. Inclusion in FENS online directory and free online access to the FENS Journal. Reduced fees for FENS events. Please contact the Euro-CNS office for your Euro-CNS member ID so that you can make use of the latter.
- If you are subscribed to Clinical Neuropathology, the Publisher will sponsor colour print of your figures (there may be limitations to the number of colour prints)
Benefits for the European National or Regional Society:
- Two National Society representatives will take part in the Euro-CNS Council
- The National Society representative is entitled to cast a vote at ballots at the Council meetings
- The Euro-CNS web site provides listing of National Societies including full contact information and a short description
- The Euro-CNS web site can host more detailed information of the National Society if the latter does not have a web site of its own.
- Posting of announcements of National Society events on Euro-CNS website (and vice versa)
- Euro-CNS may provide assistance in announcements, recommendation of faculty/speakers, and endorsement of meetings (if requested and approved by the Euro-CNS Council)
- Publication of (European) national society meeting abstracts in Clinical Neuropathology (in consultation with the Editor)
Membership application
For all membership information, please contact the Euro-CNS Executive Office.